Discrete trial training (DTT) is a method of teaching individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) based on applied behavior analysis (ABA). Skills are broken into discrete steps and then taught in massed trials. With DTT, steps are taught one at a time, instead of teaching an entire skill all at once. Concepts covered include errorless learning, methods of reinforcement, and how to use behavior momentum. The text explains how to collect, interpret, and use data to make teaching decisions. Finally, the text details a method for evaluating implementation of DTT.
Examples and practice exercises are also provided throughout the book to help readers gain guided practice and a firm understanding of the concepts and skills that form the foundation for DTT.
- Applied Behavior Analysis As It Relates to Autism Spectrum Disorder and Discrete Trial Training
- The Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence Paradigm
- Using the Discrete Trial Method to Teach Skills
- Providing a Structured Teaching Environment for Skill Acquisition
- Assessing Students and Establishing an Overall DTT Program
- Data-Based Decision Making
- Performance Evaluation of Instructor Implementation of DTT
- Conclusion
The PRO-ED Series on Autism Spectrum Disorders–Second Edition is designed for both professionals and parents. It provides critical information for selecting and using scientifically based methods for intervention with children and adolescents. Written in a quickly accessible, user-friendly style by qualified and experienced professionals, the books discuss and illustrate numerous practical solutions and strategies for working with learners with autism or other pervasive developmental disorders. The books in the series are similar in format and flexible enough to adapt to particular learning situations. Select the specific title needed or order the value saving series combination.