Postcards from Van Allsburg

Grades 3 - 6

Christie Perker
  • Product Code CLC0357 ( MR #037669 )

Price $14.95

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Postcards from Van Allsburg explores the stories by the man who brings pictures to life in his stories of imagination and fun. This book uses thinking skills to challenge high ability learners but also allows for differentiation so that all students in a class may participate. The activities included are Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Development, Williams’ Taxonomy of Creative Thought, SCAMPER, Creative Problem Solving, and Synectics.
VanAllsburg “communicates” with the class through postcards. Each postcard gives information about the story the students read. Students then engage in creative thought as they read the stories and complete activities. Each story uses an original strategy to present the activities to the students. Students roll a cube when deciding on an activity for Just a Dream. For The Polar Express, students draw from Santa's bag the activities they choose to complete. Finally, for Jumanji, students roll a die and advance on a game board to discover which activity they will complete.