Quick Neurological Screening Test (QNST-3R)

Complete Kit

3rd Edition/Revised
Margaret Mutti, MA | Nancy A. Martin, PhD | Harold Sterling, MD | Norma Spalding, EdD
  • Ages 5 through 90+
  • Administration Individual
  • Testing Time 20 - 30 minutes
  • Product Code 2073-2 ( MR #066574 )

* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.

Price $154.00

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The QNST-3R includes updated norms (based on a nationally representative sample), along with revisions and clarifications to the Record Form, administration procedures, and scoring guidelines.
The QNST-3R is an individually administered, empirically based assessment of the development of motor coordination and sensory integration (both of which have been shown to relate to learning as well as to general daily functioning), seen as neurological soft signs (NSS). NSS are minor irregularities that include poor motor coordination, sensory perceptual changes, and difficulty sequencing complex motor tasks. The presence of NSS can indicate neural trauma and are often harbingers of learning difficulties (without history of trauma).
The QNST-3R provides an easy and reliable way to quantify, over time, the presence and extent of behaviors that may be of clinical importance.
  • motor maturity and development
  • sensory processing
  • gross and fine muscle control
  • motor planning and sequencing
  • sense of rate and rhythm
  • spatial organization
  • visual and auditory perception
  • balance and vestibular function
  • disorders of attention
The Manual's updated literature review includes information about NSS seen in sportsrelated concussion (child and adult), and neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases). The expanded norms now cover ages 4 years through geriatrics (80+).
QNST-3R tasks are commonly used in traditional neurologic exams and require no special equipment, just a pencil.
Task 1: Hand Skill
Task 2: Figure Recognition and Production
Task 3: Palm Form Recognition
Task 4: Eye Tracking
Task 5: Sound Patterns
Task 6: Finger to Nose
Task 7: Thumb and Finger Circle
Task 8: Rapidly Reversing Repetitive Hand Movements
Task 9: Arm and Leg Extension
Task 10: Tandem Walk
Task 11: Stand on One Leg
Task 12: Skipping
Task 13: Left-Right Discrimination
Task 14: Behavioral Irregularities