Price $54.00
This vibrant program for the remediation of /r/, /r/ blends, and vocalic /r/ gets results with motivating, systematic lessons; easy measures of progress; hefty amounts of practice materials; and time-saving assessment tools.
The programmed approach combines the best features from the Modified Cycles Approach (Hodson & Paden, 1990), the Sensory Motor Approach (McDonald, 1964), and Motor Learning Theory (Skelton, 2004) to help students master all the variants of /r/ and vocalic /r/ production. Use it for pull out sessions and to meet the needs of groups with varying levels of competency.
The program includes:
- Four assessment tools for initial /r/, initial /r/ blends, vocalic /r/ at word level, and a reading assessment
- 200 page manual with: step-by-step instructions and prompts, illustrated elicitation techniques, full-color picture grids,color-coded reading materials,sample long- and short-term goals, how to address weak or incorrect articulation attempts.
- CD-ROM with an additional 118 pages of printable materials in PDF format including: take-home carryover sheets, easy-to-use scoring tools and sound inventory sheets, award certificates, generalization activities
The lessons address every level of remediation:
- discrimination
- establishment
- word level
- sentence completion
- sentence reading and sentence imitation
- sentence production using carrier phrases
- elicited phrases/sentences
- carryover and generalization activities
Every lesson uses these evidence-based learning methods:
- consistent self-monitoring and self-evaluation
- early mastery of high frequency and high density words
- support fades as the task complexity increases
- anchor words to recalibrate correct productions
- skills broken down into achievable steps
- parental involvement using motivational home practice sheets