Augmentative Alternative Communication

Debra Reichert Hoge | Cheryl A. Newsome
  • Pages 177
  • Product Code 31705 ( MR #065710 )

Price $54.00  $49.95

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*Available while supplies last. (Final Sale)

Learn the key processes to finding effective solutions in augmentative alternative communication (AAC) and apply them to the vast and ever-changing choices available to your clients. Understand the important issues facing your clients who need AAC and become an effective member of the multidisciplinary team with this Source that tells you:
  • how to help beginning communicators and communicators who already have a system
  • key components of the assessment process and your role on the team
  • essential components of an assessment report and how to target audiences including outside agencies, family, and school staff
  • how to handle funding, transport, and behavioral issues
  • specific strategies for individuals with severe developmental delays and motor difficulties, autism, mild motor involvement, and adults with acquired speech disabilities
Extra helps in the book include:
  • tools to assess purposeful responses and fine-motor abilities
  • communication checklist
  • descriptions of non-speaking and high- and low-tech voice output systems
  • assistive technology checklist
  • assessment report template for the Department of Public Aid
  • sample reports, physician letter, and request for a trial device letter

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