- Ages 16 - Adult
- Grades 11 - Adult
- Pages 182
- Format 8.5" x 11"
Product Code 31630 ( MR #065522 )
Price $64.95
The activities represent reading requirements clients encounter every day. Each reading category is depicted in several styles with true-to-life graphics.
Corresponding stimulus questions prompt clients to look for information and interpret a variety of formats.
Reading tasks include:
Signs / TV Listings / Announcements / Notices / Theatre Ads / Grocery Ads / Gift Certificates / Coupons / Billboards / Product Labels / Prescription Labels / Directions / Recipes / Menus / Order Forms / Newspaper Ads / Classified Ads / Market Reports / Newspaper Articles / Invitations / Appointment Cards / Messages / Catalogs / Table of Contents / Abbreviations / Index / Directories / Charts / Schedules / Maps / Claim Tickets / Receipts / Applications / Bills Bank Statements
Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition (WALC) <show description>
- Copyright 2003