SPM-P Quick Tips

Diana A. Henry, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
  • Product Code W-497QTA ( MR #064660 )

* Regional restriction: This item is only available for sale within Canada.

Price $74.40  $49.95

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*Available while supplies last. (Final Sale)

The SPM-P  Quick Tips is a collection of strategies for integrating sensory-based activities into a child’s everyday life. It’s a navigation tool to help answer the question “what’s next?” following administration of the SPM-P.
  • Offers a framework based on careful standardized assessment developed from observations across multiple environments
  • Supports practitioners in using clinical reasoning and consultation skills in the intervention process
  • Provides a means of measuring qualitative progress through staff responses and quantitative progress through use of the SPM-P 
  • Uses parent- and teacher-friendly language
  • Offers valuable information to assist in making decisions about intervention strategies based on clinical reasoning
  • Includes a data recording system to monitor progress
Primary users of the SPM-P Quick Tips are occupational therapy practitioners in clinical, school, and community settings who have mentored with a sensory integration (SI) expert and are trained in SI and sensory processing. These practitioners can in turn teach others how to use the Quick Tips. Parents, teachers, school personnel, and other professionals can use the strategies and techniques as long as the therapy practitioner responsible for interpreting administration results provides direction.

Sensory Processing Measure - Preschool (SPM-P) <show description>