Functional Communication Profile - Revised (FCP-R)
Complete Kit
Revised Edition
- Ages 3 - Adult
- Grades PreK - Adult
- Testing Time 45 - 90 minutes
- Administration Individual
Product Code 34040 ( MR #060637 )
* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.
Price $105.60
The FCP-R lets you account for some of the unique aspects of communication and the diversity among individuals with developmental and acquired delays. It addresses all communication possibilities and is not limited to oral language expression. Test items help fulfill the standards in state and federal regulations in the United States.
The FCP-R yields an overall inventory of the individual's communication abilities, mode of communication (e.g., verbal, sign, nonverbal, augmentative), and degree of independence. Clients are assessed and rated in the major skills categories of communication through direct observation, teacher and caregiver reports and one on one testing. The FCP-R is appropriate for individuals who range between mild and profound deficits.
- Sensory/Motor—auditory, visual, gross-motor, and fine-motor skills and behavior
- Attentiveness—attention span, alertness, response levels, cooperation, and level of awareness
- Receptive Language—comprehension of verbal and nonverbal language and basic concepts, interest in pictures and objects, following commands, and object and two-dimensional recognition
- Expressive Language—verbal and nonverbal communication, manner and modality of communication, quality of self-expression, object use and interactions, cause and effect, vocabulary, grammar, and phrase length
- Pragmatic/Social Language—communicative intent; questioning skills; conversational skills; turn-taking; topic initiation, maintenance, and elaboration; appropriateness of communication; reading/literacy; writing/spelling; and memory
- Speech—intelligibility of sounds produced, dentition, and oral-motor imitation
- Voice—loudness, vocal quality, and pitch
- Oral—mouth breathing, drooling, tongue thrust, and swallowing/diet
- Fluency—fluency, rate of speech, and rhythm and intonation
- Non-Oral Communication—use of sign language, two-dimensional expression, yes/no, fine-motor abilities, and effectiveness of current augmentative or alternative communication system
The FCP-R is designed for use by a speech-language pathologist, a graduate of a speech-language assistant program, a special education teacher or classroom specialist, or a graduate student in communicative disorders.
- The examiner rates the client's performance for each evaluation item, even if the skill is scored as "none, n/a, unable" etc.
- The examiner provides age-appropriate stimulus materials and environmental items which are familiar to the individual to be evaluated. Suggested materials include common objects used for activities of daily living (e.g., eating utensils, grooming items, furnishings), photos, noisemakers, colored blocks, and picture communication symbols.
- It is useful to be able to present some form of low technology adaptive equipment such as adaptive switches, communication books, and hand held electronic devices.
- Every test item is defined in detail and in lay terms in the examiner's manual for easy report-writing and communication.
- The examiner records the level of prompting/assistance provided (levels of client prompting are listed on the test form).
- Varies, usually 45 minutes to 1½ hours
- The examiner subjectively inventories the individual's response to test items and rates the impairment level for each of the eleven subtests/skills categories.
- The client's rating is based on various parameters including severity of impairment, frequency of occurrence, mode of communication, degree of independence vs. assistance, quality of performance, and inventory of skills.
- Guidelines for response ratings are referenced in the examiner's manual.
- Based on the assessment results, general guidelines are given for estimation of the client's severity level.
This well-respected test is a criterion referenced, not a norm-referenced instrument. Criterion-referenced tests compare the subject's mastery of the specified behaviors to the specified behaviors. Such tests are designed to provide information for instruction, not to compare students with each other.
Functional Communication Profile - Revised (FCP-R) <show description>