Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
Complete Kit
- Ages 4-0 through 11-11
- Testing Time 30-50 minutes
- Administration Individual
Product Code 13710 ( MR #055290 )
* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.
Price $428.75
Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
TEWL-3 Examiner's Manual
$93.00 -
Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
TEWL-3 Picture Cards
$37.50 -
Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
TEWL-3 Administration/Record Booklet Form A (pack of 10)
$55.00 -
Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
TEWL-3 Administration/Record Booklet Form B (pack of 10)
$55.00 -
Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
TEWL-3 Student Workbook Form A (pack of 10)
$103.75 -
Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
TEWL-3 Student Workbook Form B (pack of 10)
- For age and grade, internal consistency reliability (alpha) coefficients of all scores meet or exceed .90 for all ages, with most meeting or exceeding .95.
- For alternate form reliability, only 4 of 42 coefficients do not meet or exceed .90. Of the four, all are in the mid to high 80s.
- Stability reliability of all scores approximates or exceeds .90.
- Across all forms of reliability, the reliability of the composite index is in the mid to high 90s.
- Extensive content validity data are presented.
- Criterion-prediction validity is evidenced by correlations with, and comparison of means and standard deviations of, the Woodcock-Johnson III, the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Second Edition, and the 6 + 1 Writing Trait Rubric.
- Using the TEWL–3 to predict scores on the Woodcock-Johnson III and the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Second Edition resulted in sensitivity indexes of .86 and .91 respectively, specificity indexes of .89 and .88, and ROC/AUC of .96 and .96. Classification accuracy was .88 for both tests.
- Construct-identification validity is presented based on correlations with age, grade, cognitive ability, achievement, and group discrimination, and on the correlation of individual test items with total test scores.
- Two forms (Form A and Form B) are now available with item prompts in color.
- All new contextual writing prompts are provided.
- The total number of items was increased to 70 for the Basic Writing subtest and to 20 for the Contextual Writing subtest.
- Expanded age ranges now cover ages 4-0 through 11-11.
- Revised scoring for the Contextual Writing items is included, and instructions for both subtests were made more specific and detailed.
- Data are matched to census projections for 2010 and 2015.
- The results of differential item functioning analysis are reported suggesting no biased items.
Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
TEWL-3 Examiner's Manual
$93.00 -
Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
TEWL-3 Picture Cards
$37.50 -
Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
TEWL-3 Administration/Record Booklet Form A (pack of 10)
$55.00 -
Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
TEWL-3 Administration/Record Booklet Form B (pack of 10)
$55.00 -
Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
TEWL-3 Student Workbook Form A (pack of 10)
$103.75 -
Test of Early Written Language (TEWL-3)
TEWL-3 Student Workbook Form B (pack of 10)
- Copyright 2012