Ross Information Processing Assessment—Geriatric (RIPA-G:2)
Complete Kit
Second Edition
- Ages 55+
- Testing Time 25-35 minutes
- Administration Individual
Product Code 13920 ( MR #055280 )
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Price $205.40
The Ross Information Processing Assessment-Geriatric: Second Edition (RIPA-G:2) is a comprehensive, norm-referenced, assessment battery designed to identify, describe, and quantify cognitive-linguistic deficits in the geriatric population (individuals 55 years and older). Speech-language pathologist, neuropsychologists, psychologists, and other rehabilitation professionals can use the test. The RIPA-G:2 is an individually administer test, taking approximately 30 minutes to complete. It can be used to diagnosis (mild, moderate, or severe) cognitive-linguistic problems and to do research that focuses on the cognitive processing in the elderly population.
New Features of the RIPA-G:2
- All new normative data were collected from a sample matched to the prevalence of cognitive disorders in the elderly population.
- A new Degree of Severity rating based on raw score performance was added to provide a global evaluation of cognitive-linguistic functioning.
- Numerous reliability and validity studies, including a ROC curve analysis, show that RIPA-G:2 is a highly reliable and valid assessment.
- The RIPA-G:2 has been streamlined to 7 subtests reducing the administration length to approximately 30 minutes.
- An all new Listening Comprehension subtest has been added while other subtests have been renamed to better reflect their contents.
RIPA-G:2 Subtests and Composite
The RIPA-G:2 subtests assess most aspects of geriatric cognitive-linguistic functioning. Their results can be combined to form an overall Information Processing Index.
- Immediate Memory-Repeats numbers, words, and sentences of increasing length and complexity.
- Temporal Orientation-Answers questions related to the concept of time. Elicitation of the accurate responses requires recall from recent and remote memory. Temporal concepts require functional organizational skills.
- Spatial Orientation-Answers questions related to the concept of locations or places. Elicitation of accurate responses requires recall from both recent and remote memory. Spatial concepts require organizational skills, including categorization and sequencing.
- General Information-Recalls general information encoded in remote memory. Most stimuli represent information learned by the sixth grade.
- Situational Knowledge-Responds to stimuli requiring problem-solving and reasoning strategies. The examinee is to generate response options based on relevant information. Once a solution is deduced, it must be checked against knowledge of reality and against reality itself.
- Categorical Vocabulary-Lists items in a category as well as name categories of items. This subtest is a measure of an individual’s semantic organization base, word finding abilities and general organization skills.
- Listening Comprehension-The examinee is to listen to a short narrative paragraph and answer specific questions about the content. The paragraphs are of increasing length and complexity. Skills of immediate memory, auditory sequential memory, receptive vocabulary and processing speed are required for success on this subtest.
- Information Processing Index-Represents broad information processing concepts associated with information processing and language.
Statistical and Technical Characteristics of the RIPA-G:2
- Norms: The RIPA-G:2 is normed on 229 individuals aged 55-97 years living in 10 states.
- Scores: Information Processing Index, Subtest Scaled Scores, Percentile Ranks, SEM’s, Degree of Severity, and Diacritical Scores Summary.
- Reliability: Content, time, and scorer differences coefficients are consistently high.
- Validity: Content-description, criterion-prediction, and construct-identification support that the RIPA-G:2 is a valid measure.
- Special Populations: Data were collected on normal functioning adults and adults who were diagnosed with at least one of the following conditions: Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Mild to moderate Alzheimer's Disease (MAD), Right Cerebrovascular Accident (RCVA), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).