Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS-2)

Complete Kit

Second Edition
Eric Schopler, PhD | Mary E. Van Bourgondien, PhD | Glenna Janette Wellman, PhD | Steven R. Love, PhD
  • Ages 2 years and up
  • Testing Time 5-10 minutes (after rating information is collected)
  • Administration Individual
  • Product Code W-472 ( MR #052688 )

* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.

* Regional restriction: This item is only available for sale within Canada.

Price $405.00

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Price includes package savings of $17.50

Since its original publication, the CARS has become one of the most widely used and empirically validated autism assessments. It has proven especially effective in discriminating between children with autism and those with severe cognitive deficits, and in distinguishing mild-to-moderate from severe autism.
Now a revised Second Edition expands the test’s clinical value, making it more responsive to individuals on the “highfunctioning” end of the autism spectrum- -those with average or higher IQ scores, better verbal skills, and more subtle social and behavioral deficits. While retaining the simplicity, brevity, and clarity of the original test, the CARS2 adds forms and features that help you integrate diagnostic information, determine functional capabilities, provide feedback to parents, and design targeted intervention.
Standard and High-Functioning Forms
The CARS2-ST (Standard form) and CARS2-HF (High-Functioning form) each include 15 items addressing the following functional areas:
  • Relating to People
  • Imitation (ST); Social-Emotional Understanding (HF)
  • Emotional Response (ST); Emotional Expression and Regulation (HF)
  • Body Use
  • Object Use (ST); Object Use in Play (HF)
  • Adaptation to Change (ST); Adaptation to Change/Restricted Interests (HF)
  • Visual Response
  • Listening Response
  • Taste, Smell, and Touch Response and Use
  • Fear or Nervousness (ST); Fear or Anxiety (HF)
  • Verbal Communication
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Activity Level (ST); Thinking/Cognitive Integration Skills (HF)
  • Level and Consistency of Intellectual Response
  • General Impressions
Rating values for all items are summed to produce a Total Raw Score. Each form includes a graph that allows you to quickly convert the Total Raw Score to a standard score or percentile rank (based on a clinical sample of 1,034 individuals with autism spectrum disorders). The Manual provides guidelines for score interpretation, suggestions for intervention, and case examples.
Questionnaire for Parents or Caregivers
The CARS2-QPC is an unscored form completed by the parent or caregiver.  Its purpose is to give the clinician more information on which to base CARS2- ST or CARS2-HF ratings. The areas covered by the CARS2-QPC include the individual’s early development; social, emotional, and communication skills; repetitive behaviors; play and routines; and unusual sensory interests.
The CARS2 is extremely useful in identifying symptoms of autism. It covers the entire autism spectrum, as defined by empirical research. It is based on decades of use with thousands of referred individuals. It assesses virtually all ages and functional levels. Ratings are reliable across time, settings, sources of information, and raters.
With a new form for higher-functioning individuals, a structured way to gather caregiver information, and guidelines linking scores to intervention, the CARS2 remains one of the best autism assessments available.