The Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Test–Third Edition (REEL-3) is designed to help you identify infants and toddlers who have language impairments or who have other disabilities that affect language development. It is especially useful as an assessment and planning instrument in Early Childhood Intervention programs mandated under P.L. 99-457. The REEL-3 has two core subtests, Receptive Language and Expressive Language, and a new supplementary subtest, Inventory of Vocabulary Words. Results are obtained from a caregiver interview.
The REEL-3 is based on a contemporary linguistic model. It includes current studies relating to normative base, reliability, and validity. The normative sample includes 1,112 infants and toddlers from around the nation. The demographic characteristics of the sample were matched to those of the United States according to the 2000 census. The normative sample was stratified on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnic group membership, and geographic location. Standard scores, percentile ranks, and age equivalents are provided.
The average reliability coefficients for all the test scores are high (exceeding .90) Test/retest studies show that the REEL-3 is stable over time.
The potential bias of every item on the test on the basis of gender and ethnic group was studied. In all, no items showed bias beyond a negligible effect size. Validity data are reported as well, documenting the test's relationship to the Developmental Assessment of Young Children, the Early Language Milestone Scale-Second Edition, and the Cognitive Abilities Test-Second Edition.