Fluharty Preschool Speech and Language Screening Test (Fluharty-2)

Complete Kit

Second Edition
Nancy Buono Fluharty
  • Ages 3 - 6
  • Testing Time 10 minutes
  • Administration Individual
  • Product Code 9345 ( MR #022606 )

Price $283.20

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The Fluharty Preschool Speech and Language Screening Test-Second Edition (Fluharty-2) contains five subtests: Articulation, Repeating Sentences, Responding to Directives and Answering Questions, and Describing Actions and Sequencing Events. Scores reflect performance in articulation, receptive language, expressive language, and composite language. The Fluharty-2 provides rapid identification of those preschool children for whom a complete speech and language evaluation is recommended. The Fluharty-2 is a complete revision, normed on 705 children in 21 states. Sample populations represent the geographical distribution of the United States in 1998 and projected figures for 2000.
Test Reliability  
Coefficient alphas and test-retest correlations are high enough to warrant individual administration of the Fluharty-2.
Content validity studies related the test's content to current developmental studies and provided thorough individual item analysis. Criterion-related validity studies compared subtests of the Fluharty-2 to the TOLD-P:3 composites. Results demonstrated a strong correlation between the two instruments. Construct validity measures support the Fluharty-2 as a valid screening tool for use with preschool children.
Limiting Bias  
Examination of items on the Fluharty-2 indicated little or no bias relative to gender, disability, racial, socioeconomic or ethnic group.
Features of this major revision include:
  • The Fluharty-2 is easy to administer quickly and is appealing to children.
  • The Fluharty-2 provides standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15) and percentiles for subtests and composites. There are age equivalents for the composites.
  • The kit contains all necessary manipulatives.
  • There is space on the record form for noting phonological process errors, voice quality, and fluency.
  • Teacher Questionnaires allow for collaboration when assessing children in school populations.
  • The Fluharty-2 is a norm-referenced screening test designed and thoroughly analyzed to provide "good" statistical information.
  • The theoretical model for the Fluharty-2 follows current language development information.