Standardized Reading Inventory (SRI-2)

Complete Kit

Second Edition
Phyllis L. Newcomer
  • Ages 6 - 14
  • Testing Time 30 - 90 minutes
  • Administration Individual
  • Product Code 8875 ( MR #018845 )

Price $454.80  $299.95

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*Available while supplies last. (Final Sale)

The Standardized Reading Inventory-Second Edition (SRI-2) differs from the first edition in important ways. In addition to being criterion-referenced, the instrument is now norm-referenced. Also, the subtests include a measure of vocabulary proficiency and a supplemental measure of predictive comprehension.
Designed like an informal reading inventory, each of the two forms consists of 10 graded passages, ranging from the lowest reading level (preprimer) to the highest level (eighth grade). Each passage incorporates key words extracted from five popular basal reading series to form a new word list for primary, intermediate, and advanced readers.
On each passage, oral and silent reading are assessed before students answer a series of comprehension questions. Scores in word recognition and comprehension on each passage reveal a student's level of reading competence (i.e., independent--where reading is done for pleasure; instructional--where teaching is required; and frustration--where the material is too difficult to read).
The SRI-2 includes a two-alternate-form Vocabulary in Context subtest, and two-alternate-form reading passages. The reading passages are scored for oral reading accuracy, comprehension, and predictive comprehension. The student reads the passages orally first, then silently. After the silent reading, the comprehension questions are read by the examiner.
Vocabulary in Context may be administered to groups of students to screen for reading problems, as well as to identify students’ entry level for passage reading. If desired, a set of predictive comprehension questions may be administered at this point.
The test was normed on 1,099 children residing in 28 states. The demographics of the sample were stratified using figures reported in the 1997 U.S. Census. Reliability coefficients are high at all age intervals. The averaged r ranged from .88 to .97. Criterion-referenced validity studies correlated SRI-2 with Gray Oral Reading Test-Third Edition, Gray Silent Reading Test-Second Edition, Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processes, and Otis Lennon School Abilities Test with favorable results. In addition, evidence of construct validity is presented showing that the SRI-2 discriminates between good readers and the following groups: poor readers, students with learning disabilities, and students with speech-language disorders. Bias studies demonstrate that there is little item bias in the instrument.
A major strength of the SRI-2 is that it gives you the ability to use portions of the complete instrument to identify those readers who require more in-depth diagnostic assessment. Each piece provides further evidence for the examiner.