The Early Language Milestone Scale-Second Edition (ELM Scale-2) assesses speech and language development from birth to 36 months of age. The ELM Scale-2 is ideally suited to help clinicians implement the mandate to serve the developmental needs of children from birth to 3; the ELM Scale-2 also can be used with older children with developmental delays whose functional level falls within this range. The ELM Scale-2 consists of 43 items arranged in three divisions: Auditory Expressive (which is further subdivided into Content and Intelligibility), Auditory Receptive, and Visual. The test takes 1 to 10 minutes to administer, depending on the age of the child and the scoring technique employed.
The ELM Scale-2 may be administered using either a pass/ fail or a point scoring method. The pass/fail method yields a global “ pass” or “ fail” rating for the test as a whole, whereas the point scoring method yields percentile values, standard score equivalents, and age equivalents for each area of language function (Auditory Expressive, Auditory Receptive, and Visual), as well as a Global Language score. Individuals wishing to update their first edition kits need only purchase the new Examiner’ s Manual and new Record Forms.
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