Kindergarten | EDUCATION

Developmental Tasks for Kindergarten Readiness (DTKR-3)

Complete Kit

Third Edition
Elizabeth A. Allen | Judith K. Voress | Gerald Wallace
  • Ages 4-0 through 6-11
  • Testing Time 20 - 30 minutes
  • Administration Individual
  • Copyright 2025
  • Product Code 15085 ( MR #069850 )

* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.

Price $390.80

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The all-new Developmental Tasks for Kindergarten Readiness–Third Edition (DTKR-3) provides objective data on children’s skills and abilities that relate to successful performance in kindergarten. It is used for both screening and diagnostic-prescriptive purposes.
The DTKR-3 measures 4 of the 5 domains of learning and development defined by the U.S. Department of Education (2023) as essential for school success: Social and Emotional Development, Cognition and General Knowledge, Physical Development, and Language and Literacy. The test yields standard scores, percentile ranks, age equivalents for the domains and for the Overall Readiness index score.
The test’s norms are based on an all-new sample of 706 children from 232 different zip codes. Extensive studies of the floors, ceilings, and item gradients for the DTKR-3’s domains and composite indicate the test is a consistently excellent measure of developmental skills and academic readiness across all age and ability levels. Studies of reliability and validity indicate that the DTKR-3 is a highly reliable and valid measure of learning and developmental skills. These studies also indicate that the DTKR-3’s internal structure is sound and its results are valid for a wide variety of subgroups, as well as for the general population.
Access to the all-new DTKR-3 Online Scoring and Report System is included with the purchase of each DTKR-3 Complete Kit and with the purchase of every replacement pack of Student Response Booklets. This scoring and reporting system is a quick, efficient tool for (a) entering test session results; (b) converting domain and subdomain item scores or total raw scores into scaled scores; (c) generating composite index scores, percentile ranks, and upper and lower confidence intervals; (d) comparing DTKR-3 performances to identify significant intraindividual differences; and (e) obtaining a score summary or narrative report. Inclusion of the software eliminates the need to include normative tables in the Examiner’s Manual and ensures accurate calculation of scores.
PLEASE NOTE:  Scoring is only available online through the DTKR-3 Online Scoring and Report System, which is included in the DTKR-3 Complete Kit.