Social Language Development Test - Adolescent (SLDT-A:NU)
Complete Kit
- Ages 12 - 17
- Testing Time 45 minutes
- Administration Individual
- Copyright 2017
Product Code 34380 ( MR #066542 )
* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.
Price $261.00
Social Language Development Test - Adolescent (SLDT-A:NU)
SLDT-A:NU Examiner's Manual
$91.00 -
Social Language Development Test - Adolescent (SLDT-A:NU)
SLDT-A:NU Picture Book
$63.00 -
Social Language Development Test - Adolescent (SLDT-A:NU)
SLDT-A Scoring Standards and Example Responses Book
$47.00 -
Social Language Development Test - Adolescent (SLDT-A:NU)
SLDT-A:NU Examiner Record Booklets (25)
- The norms have been updated to reflect the demographics of the 2016 U.S. Census.
- The normative sample (N = 868) is stratified by age relative to geographic region, gender, race, and ethnicity.
- New standard score metric for subtests and composites (M = 10, SD = 3; M = 100, SD = 15).
- All-new item analysis and item bias studies provide convincing evidence of content-description validity.
- All-new reliability and validity studies were prepared, including diagnostic accuracy analyses, which are considered the most rigorous techniques for establishing validity today. These analyses involve the computation of sensitivity and specificity indexes and the receiving operating characteristic/area under curve (ROC/AUC) statistic.
- The audio files for the Interpreting Ironic Statements subtest are available for use or download online.
Social Language Development Test - Adolescent (SLDT-A:NU)
SLDT-A:NU Examiner Record Booklets (25)
$60.00 -
Social Language Development Test - Adolescent (SLDT-A:NU)
SLDT-A:NU Examiner's Manual
$91.00 -
Social Language Development Test - Adolescent (SLDT-A:NU)
SLDT-A:NU Picture Book
$63.00 -
Social Language Development Test - Adolescent (SLDT-A:NU)
SLDT-A Scoring Standards and Example Responses Book
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