Communication Activities of Daily Living (CADL-3)

Complete Kit

Third Edition
Audrey Holland | Davida Fromm | Linda Wozniak
  • Ages 18 - 95+
  • Testing Time 30 minutes
  • Administration Individual
  • Product Code 14650 ( MR #066534 )

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Price $317.80

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The Communication Activities of Daily Living–Third Edition (CADL-3) is an individually administered assessment of the functional communication skills of adults with neurogenic communication disorders. It contains 50 items assessing communication activities in seven areas:
  1. Reading, Writing, and Using Numbers
  2. Social Interactions
  3. Contextual Communication
  4. Nonverbal Communication
  5. Sequential Relationships
  6. Humor, Metaphor, and Absurdity
  7. Internet Basics
New Features
  • Stimulus book illustrations have been replaced with photos, allowing for a greater sense of realism.
  • Administration instructions have been added to the Examiner Record Booklet to increase examiners’ ease of use.
  • Items pertaining to the basic use of technology including mobile phones, the Internet, and email, have been added.
  • An all-new standardization sample (2014–2016) was collected.
Technical and Statistical Characteristics of CADL-3
The CADL-3 was normed on a sample of 115 adults with neurogenic communication disorders resulting from stroke, traumatic brain injury, dementia, primary progressive aphasia, or other type of brain insult. The test yields percentile ranks and index scores. The Examiner’s Manual includes a comprehensive discussion of the test’s theoretical and research-based foundation, item development, standardization, administration and scoring procedures, norms tables, and guidelines for using and interpreting the results.
CADL-3 coefficient alpha and test–retest reliability are both .94. Validity studies demonstrate the test’s ability to differentiate persons with impaired functional communication from those with normal functional communication.