SPARC for Concepts

Catherine E. Chamberlain | Robin Strode Downing
  • Ages 4 - 10
  • Grades PreK - 5
  • Pages 226
  • Format 11" x 8.5"
  • Product Code 31161 ( MR #065554 )

Price $54.00  $49.95

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*Available while supplies last. (Final Sale)

These pictures and stimuli progress systematically to teach children more than 90 concepts they need for success in school.

Busy clinicians rely on the Stimulus Pictures for Assessment, Remediation, and Carryover (SPARC) series for:
• convenience and portability
• systematic progression of activities
• tons of practice opportunities
• easy measures of progress
• loads of pictures and stimuli
• use with a variety of treatment approaches

The lessons are organized in five units. Each concept is presented with its opposite or a negative example when no opposite is available. The units are:
• Spatial—above/below, around/through, between, and more
• Attributes—large/small, heavy/light, same/different, and more
• Quantity—more/less, whole/half, pair, and more
• Temporal—before/after and beginning/end
• Comparatives/Superlatives—tall/taller/tallest, short/shorter/shortest, and more

Each concept is taught in this progression:
• Concept Example Pictures—ten pictures illustrate the target concept(s) and its opposite
• Contrast Pictures—nine mini-scenes each contain two or three examples of the target concept and its opposite
• Concept Scenes—one full-page scene contains multiple examples of the target concept and non-examples of the concept. The scene has directions and questions for receptive and expressive practice.