Differential Processing Training Program

3-book set
Kerry Winget
  • Ages 6 - 12
  • Grades 1 - 7
  • Product Code 31050 ( MR #065312 )

Price $126.00

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This comprehensive program trains auditory processing and language processing along a research-based neurological continuum.
The Differential Processing Training Program 3-book set was designed to give the speech-language pathologist a range of materials to use with all children with language processing difficulties, regardless of whether those difficulties begin with non-linguistic or linguistic language performance. Children manipulate increasingly complex units of language as they build skills in auditory processing and language processing.
The books and the units and activities within them are organized in a hierarchy. Each one- to two-page activity has a goal and a performance grid for easy measurement, identification of error patterns, and documentation of progress. The books may be used independently or in a continuum.