Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scales (GATES-2)
Complete Kit
Second Edition
- Ages 5 - 18
- Testing Time 5-10 minutes
- Administration Individual
Product Code 14445 ( MR #060005 )
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Price $202.60
The Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scales–Second Edition (GATES-2) is an innovative, quick approach for identifying students 5 through 18 years of age who are gifted and talented. Based on the most current federal definitions, the GATES-2 has 5 scales: General Intellectual Ability, Academic Skills, Creativity, Leadership, and Artistic Talent. Each scale has 10 items.
New Features of the GATES-2
- All new normative data were collected in 2013 and 2014.
- The demographic characteristics of the sample conform to those of the population reported by the 2013 U.S. Census Bureau.
- Twenty-two items from the first edition were retained and twenty-eight new items were added or revised.
- All new reliability and validity studies.
- The overall look of the test has been improved.
Reliability and Validity
- Average coefficient alphas are .97 for General Intellectual Ability, .96 for Academic Skills, Creativity and Leadership, and .98 for the Artistic Talent.
- Test-retest coefficients range from .88 to .91.
- Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), used to measure interrater reliability, range from .78 to .93.
- Median correlations of the GATES-2 with criterion measures is .75.
- Diagnostic accuracy studies indicate that the GATES-2 accurately differentiates students who are gifted and talented from those who are typically achieving (sensitivity = .84, specificity = .70, ROC/AUC = .84).