Criterion Test of Basic Skills (CTOBS-2)

Complete Kit

Second Edition
James Evans, PhD | Kerth Lundell, PhD | William Brown, PhD
  • Ages 6 through 11-11 years
  • Testing Time 15-20 minutes
  • Administration Individual
  • Product Code 8276-9 ( MR #026212 )

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Price $128.00

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The CTOBS-2 provides a criterion-referenced assessment of reading and arithmetic skills.
It provides a quick and easy way to assess basic skills in reading and arithmetic.
  • Reading skills assessed cover letter recognition, letter sounds, blending and sequencing, decoding of common spelling patterns and multisyllable words, and sight word recognition.
  • Arithmetic skills include: counting, number concepts and numerical recognition, addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, measurement concepts, fractions, decimals and percents, geometric concepts, pre-algebra, and rounding and estimation.
Remedial activities are also provided.
The manual contains more than 250 teacher-directed, independent, and peer tutoring activities correlated to the skill areas assessed and are arranged according to increasing difficulty.
Administration and Scoring
CTOBS-2 can be administered in 15-20 minutes by school psychologists, resource teachers, classroom teachers, and aides. Test items reflecting common school reading and math curricula are presented in order of difficulty. Reading and Arithmetic sections can be administered separately. Performance criteria (Frustration, Instructional, and Mastery levels) are obtained for each area and easily identify skills needing remediation.