Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2)

Complete Kit

Second Edition
Dela A. Ulrich
  • Ages 3-0 through 10-11 years
  • Testing Time 15-20 minutes
  • Administration Individual
  • Product Code 9260 ( MR #021902 )

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*DISCONTINUED (*NEW EDITION in Alternatives below)

The Test of Gross Motor Development–Second Edition (TGMD-2), is a norm-referenced measure of common gross motor skills that can be used by kinesiologists, general and special educators, psychologists, and physical therapists. The TGMD-2 assists you in identifying children ages 3-0 through 10-11 who are significantly behind their peers in gross motor skill development and who should be eligible for special education services in physical education.
The TGMD-2 is made up of 12 skills (six for each subtest):
  • Locomotor: run, gallop, hop, leap, horizontal jump, slide
  • Object Control: striking a stationary ball, stationary dribble, kick, catch, overhand throw, and underhand roll.
Detailed descriptions and illustrations of the gross motor skills and a simplified scoring system allow you to administer the TGMD-2 quickly and easily in 15 to 20 minutes. The TGMD-2 combines fun activities with a reliable and valid procedure that will give you meaningful results in identifying children with gross motor problems. You can use the results of this assessment to develop instructional programs, monitor progress, evaluate treatment, and conduct further research in gross motor development.
The TGMD-2 includes several updates to the first edition:
  • All new normative information is keyed to the projected 2000 census.
  • Normative information is now stratified by age relative to geography, gender, race, and residence.
  • Age norms have been divided into half-year increments for both subtests for ages 3-0 through 7-11.
  • New reliability and validity studies, including exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses that empirically support the skills chosen for each subtest.
Evidence related to content sampling and test-retest time sampling reliability is provided. Reliability coefficients for the Locomotor subtest average .85, the Object Control subtest average .88, and the Gross Motor composite average .91. Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) is 1 at every age interval for both subtests and 4 or 5 for the composite score at each age interval. Coefficient alpha for selected subgroups are all above .90 for the subtest and the composite. Time sampling reliability coefficients range from .84 to .96. Content-description, criterion-prediction, and construct-identification validity that further support the use of the TGMD-2 in identifying children who are significantly behind their peers in gross motor development are also provided.
Using the TGMD-2, you will obtain standard scores, percentile scores, and age equivalents. The test also provides you with a Gross Motor Quotient if both subtests are completed.