- determine the presence and degree of any extant visual-motor problems
- identify candidates for remedial programs and visual-motor training
- evaluate the effectiveness of intervention programs and monitoring recovery following acute injury
- monitor the progress of progressive degenerative disease processes that affect visual-motor integration skills
- gather research regarding the visual-motor integration process
- Time and cost efficient.
- Maintains a developmental view of visual-motor integration and provides separate scoring systems for young children (ages 5-7 years) and older children and adults (ages 8 to more than 85 years).
- Completely nonverbal and useful with individuals from widely varied cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
- High reliability across age, gender, and ethnicity with reliability coefficients reported in the Manual for multiple subgroups, including individuals with various disorders.
- Designed for individual administration, the KOPPITZ–2 allows careful observation of the examinee to gain insights onto the qualitative nature of any visual-motor integration problems evident.
- Detailed scoring guides and a clear template are provided for the developmental scoring systems that result in high levels of interscorer reliability.
- Provides standard scores and percentile ranks along with specialized scores and age equivalents to meet the needs of all practitioners.
- The total normative sample of 3,600 persons is matched to US Bureau of the Census statistics on socioeconomic factors, ethnicity, region, community size, and other critical variables to ensure representativeness of the United States population as a whole.
- Internal consistency (alpha) reliabilities for all but one age are above .80, the exception being the reliabilities of the 5-year-old children which is .77, a value that rounds to .80. The average of reliabilities across ages is .88. The test correlates highly with the WISC–III Performance Scale and Perceptual Organization Index.
Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender Gestalt Test (KOPPITZ-2)
KOPPITZ-2 Complete Kit (with Bender Cards)
Second Edition
$373.20 -
Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender Gestalt Test (KOPPITZ-2)
KOPPITZ-2 Complete Kit (without Bender Cards)
$302.40 -
Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender Gestalt Test (KOPPITZ-2)
KOPPITZ-2 Bender Gestalt II Stimulus Cards
$158.40 -
Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender Gestalt Test (KOPPITZ-2)
KOPPITZ-2 Emotional Indicators Record Forms (25)
$46.80 -
Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender Gestalt Test (KOPPITZ-2)
KOPPITZ-2 Examiner Record Forms Ages 5-7 (25)
$72.00 -
Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender Gestalt Test (KOPPITZ-2)
KOPPITZ-2 Examiner Record Forms Ages 8-85+ (25)
$72.00 -
Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender Gestalt Test (KOPPITZ-2)
KOPPITZ-2 Examiner's Manual
$119.00 -
Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender Gestalt Test (KOPPITZ-2)
KOPPITZ-2 Scoring Template
- Copyright 2007