Light's Retention Scale (LRS-5)
Complete Kit
Fifth Edition
- Ages 6 - 18
- Testing Time 10-15 minutes
- Administration Individual
Product Code 8938-4 ( MR #059177 )
* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.
Price $143.00
Light's Retention Scale is a powerful tool that assists school professionals when making the sensitive and often difficult decision about promoting or retaining a child.
This new edition of the Light’s Retention Scale includes over 300 quality research studies on school grade retention. An analysis of these studies produced 19 categories (factors to consider for possible retention), which include such areas as intelligence, mobility, physique, age, gender, participation of parents, preschool enrollment, student’s motivation, attendance, emotional disorders, conduct patterns, and other areas.
- includes over 300 research studies on school grade retention
- one new category added to the Scale (Ability to focus and concentrate) for a total of 19
- some Scale categories have been renamed to keep current with the updated literature
- new Interpretation Guidelines
- modified Retention Candidacy categories
- Principal’s Guide to Grade Retention
The documentation of research found in the LRS-5 demonstrates that this is a research–based tool as is required by the Response to Intervention (RTI) protocol.
Administration and Scoring
The LRS-5 Scale is an easy-to-use recording form designed to be completed during a parent-teacher conference and outlines each of the 19 factors that are rated on a 1-to-5 scale. The scale takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and the total score suggests whether or not grade retention might be more helpful or harmful to the child.
The LRS-5 Parent Guide explains the basis for your decision. It provides a concise statement of the important factors and reassures parents that your decision is based on thoughtful, professional findings.