Test of Problem Solving 2: Adolescent (TOPS-2:A)

Linda Bowers, MA, CCC-SLP | Mark Barrett | Rosemary Huisingh, MA, CCC-SLP | Jane Orman, MA, CCC-SLP | Carolyn M. LoGiudice, MA, CCC-SLP
  • Ages 12 to 17
  • Grades 7 - 12
  • Testing Time 40 minutes
  • Product Code 34130 ( MR #059002 )

* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.

Price $255.60

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Teens with language impairments related to the process of thinking can find that making good decisions and solving problems appropriately are difficult tasks. Determine how to help them with this test.

While other tests may assess thinking skills by tapping mathematical, spatial, or nonverbal potential, the TOPS 2 Adolescent assesses critical thinking abilities based on the student's language strategies using logic and experience.
The Test of Problem Solving 2 (TOPS-2) Adolescent uses a natural context of problem-solving situations related to adolescent experiences and assesses five different decision-making skill areas critical to academic, problem solving, and social success.
Based on the research of Richard Paul, the TOPS 2 Adolescent emphasizes the integrative disposition of critical thinking by focusing on these cognitive processes:
  • understanding/comprehension
  • analysis
  • interpretation  
  • self-regulation
  • evaluation
  • explanation  
  • inference
  • insight
  • decision-making  
  • intent/purpose
  • problem solving
  • acknowledgment  
The test is comprised of five subtests (18 written passages) that assess a student's performance of these skills.  The subtests require the student to pay careful attention to, process, and think about what they hear and read; think about problems with a purpose in mind; resist the urge to be impulsive; and express answers verbally.
  • Subtest A: Making Inferences
The student is asked to give a logical explanation about a situation, combining what he knows or can see with previous experience/background information.  Students who do well on this subtest make plausible inferences, predictions, or interpretations.
  • Subtest B: Determining Solutions
The student is asked to provide a logical solution for some aspect of a situation presented in a passage.
  • Subtest C: Problem Solving
This subtest requires a student to recognize the problem, think of alternative solutions, evaluate the options, and state an appropriate solution for a given situation.  It also includes stating how to avoid specific problems.
  • Subtest D: Interpreting Perspectives
A student who does well on this subtest will evaluate other points of view in order to make a conclusion.
  • Subtest E: Transferring Insights
The student is asked to compare analogous situations by using information stated in the passage.