Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3)
Complete Kit
- Ages 4-0 through 12-11 years
- Testing Time 30 minutes
- Administration Individual
Product Code 13700 ( MR #057280 )
* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.
Price $375.40
Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3)
DTVP-3 Examiner's Manual
$93.00 -
Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3)
DTVP-3 Picture Book
$87.00 -
Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3)
DTVP-3 Examiner Record Booklet (25)
$58.80 -
Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3)
DTVP-3 Response Booklet (25)
$123.60 -
Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3)
DTVP-3 Copying Scoring Template
- Eye-Hand Coordination. Children are required to draw precise straight or curved lines in accordance with visual boundaries.
- Copying. Children are shown a simple figure and asked to draw it on a piece of paper. The figure serves as a model for the drawing. Subsequent figures are increasingly complex.
- Figure-Ground. Children are shown stimulus figures and asked to find as many of the figures as they can on a page where the figures are hidden in a complex, confusing background.
- Visual Closure. Children are shown a stimulus figure and asked to select the exact figure from a series of figures that have been incompletely drawn. In order to complete the match, children have to mentally supply the missing parts of the figures in the series.
- Form Constancy. Children are shown a stimulus figure and asked to find it in a series of figures. The targeted figure will have a different size, position, and/or shade, and it may be hidden in a distracting background.
Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3)
DTVP-3 Copying Scoring Template
$13.00 -
Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3)
DTVP-3 Examiner Record Booklet (25)
$58.80 -
Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3)
DTVP-3 Examiner's Manual
$93.00 -
Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3)
DTVP-3 Picture Book
$87.00 -
Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3)
DTVP-3 Response Booklet (25)
- Copyright 2014