Gray Oral Reading Tests (GORT-5)
Complete Kit
- Ages 6 to 23 years
- Testing Time 20-30 minutes
- Administration Individual
Product Code 13925 ( MR #055720 )
* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.
Price $376.60
Gray Oral Reading Tests (GORT-5)
GORT-5 Examiner's Manual
Fifth Edition
$116.00 -
Gray Oral Reading Tests (GORT-5)
GORT-5 Student Book
Fifth Edition
$83.00 -
Gray Oral Reading Tests (GORT-5)
GORT-5 Examiner Record Booklets (Form A) (25)
Fifth Edition
$88.80 -
Gray Oral Reading Tests (GORT-5)
GORT-5 Examiner Record Booklets (Form B) (25)
Fifth Edition
- New normative data were collected in 2008-2010
- Norms were extended upward to age 23 years, 11 months’
- Basal and ceiling rules were streamlined to make administration easier and more efficient
- Comprehension questions were completely revised, and studies were provided to show that the items are passage dependent
- Reliability and validity studies were added
- The overall look of the test was updated
- Rate–The Rate Score is derived from the amount of time in seconds taken by a student to read a story aloud.
- Accuracy–The Accuracy Score is derived from the number of words the student pronounces correctly when reading the passage.
- Fluency–The Fluency Score is a combination of the student’s Rate and Accuracy Scores.
- Comprehension–The Comprehension Score is the number of questions about the stories that the student answers correctly. The open-ended format ensures that the items are passage dependent.
- Oral Reading Index–The Oral Reading Index is a composite score formed by combining students’ Fluency and Comprehension scaled scores.
- For both forms, average internal consistency (content sampling) reliability coefficients exceed .90.
- The alternate forms reliability coefficients for the Oral Reading Index exceed .90. The average test-retest (time sampling) coefficients for the ORI for the same form (e.g., Form A to A, Form B to B) exceed .85.
- The average test-retest (time sampling) coefficient for the ORI for different forms (e.g., Form A to B and Form B to A) is .85.
- Correlations of the GORT-5 scores with those of other well-known reading measures are large or very large in magnitude.
- Binary classification studies indicate that the GORT-5 is able to accurately identify students with reading difficulties (i.e., sensitivity = .82, specificity = .86, ROC/AUC = .92, cut score = 90, low false positives).
- Considerable other validity evidence is provided in the manual.
- Identifying students with reading difficulties. The GORT-5 can be used in identifying students who may need more intensive or explicit instruction in reading in order to make adequate progress in reading facility and/or comprehension.
- Diagnosing reading disabilities. The test can be used as part of a battery of tests for diagnosis of specific reading disabilities in children through young adults.
- Determining strengths and weaknesses. The GORT-5 can be used to compare intra-individual reading skills (e.g., reading rate vs. comprehension) and to help tailor interventions to the student’s specific needs.
- Evaluating students’ progress in reading. Having two equivalent forms enables examiners to conduct pre-and post-intervention testing to measure progress.
- Conducting research. The GORT-5 is a standardized, norm-referenced test, making it suitable for use in reading research.
Gray Oral Reading Tests (GORT-5)
GORT-5 Examiner Record Booklets (Form A) (25)
Fifth Edition
$88.80 -
Gray Oral Reading Tests (GORT-5)
GORT-5 Examiner Record Booklets (Form B) (25)
Fifth Edition
$88.80 -
Gray Oral Reading Tests (GORT-5)
GORT-5 Examiner's Manual
Fifth Edition
$116.00 -
Gray Oral Reading Tests (GORT-5)
GORT-5 Student Book
Fifth Edition
- Copyright 2012