The Diagnostic Assessments of Reading–Second Edition (DAR-2) provides a comprehensive assessment of individual student achievement in print awareness, phonological awareness, letters and sounds, word recognition, word analysis, oral reading accuracy and fluency, silent reading comprehension, spelling, and word meaning.
- Helps classroom teachers identify students who need help with reading
- Identifies individuals or groups for reading instruction related to Title I Programs
- Allows reading specialists and reading clinicians to diagnose a student’s difficulties in reading
- Provides an individualized approach to reading assessment for Adult Literacy Programs
- Can be used with students of all ages and abilities
- Offers a multilevel, ungraded format with simultaneous administration and scoring
Scoring and Administration
The teacher/test administrator simultaneously administers and scores DAR tests, marking students’ responses as correct, incorrect, or omitted. A mastery criterion has been set for each test, and the student continues with each test until a highest mastery level has been established.