Shipley Institute of Living Scale (Shipley-2)

Complete kit

Walter C. Shipley, PhD
  • Ages 7 - 89 years
  • Testing Time 20 - 25 minutes
  • Administration Individual / Group
  • Product Code W-476 ( MR #051424 )

* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.

* Regional restriction: This item is only available for sale within Canada.

Price $355.60

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Revised and restandardized, this enduring test continues to offer a brief yet robust measure of both crystallized knowledge (gained through education and experience) and fluid intelligence (the capacity to use logic to learn and acquire new information or solve problems). It can reveal cognitive impairment by uncovering discrepancies between the two. Now with updated norms, an expanded age range, a nonverbal Block Patterns scale, and unlimited-use computer scoring. The Shipley-2 is an excellent choice whenever you need a quick estimate of cognitive ability. Brief and easily administered, it is well suited to educational, clinical, rehabilitation, geriatric, neuropsychological, forensic, and human resource applications.
Easy Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation The Shipley-2 can be administered to individuals or groups in just 20 to 25 minutes, and scored in 5 minutes more. Norms are based on a sample of 2,826 individuals representative of the U.S. population in regard to ethnicity, gender, and educational level. They are presented separately for children (7 to 19) and adults (17 to 89) and stratified by age.
Unlimited-Use Computer Scoring CD
Substantially reduce scoring time while minimizing the chance of error. Scale and composite scores are calculated instantly. You can now administer the Shipley-2 directly on your computer. Convenient and user-friendly, on-screen administration duplicates the paper-and-pencil test experience- -but eliminates the need for test forms. You get a clear, accurate, and complete record of test results, including graphical representation of standard scores and percentile ranks. PC compatible for Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, Vista, or WIndows 7.