The Anger Control Game

board game
Berthold Berg, PhD
  • Ages 8 and up
  • Product Code W-410 ( MR #050222 )

* Regional restriction: This item is only available for sale within Canada.


The Anger Control Game teaches children the skills they need for effective anger control. It is particularly helpful in treating conduct-disordered children or those with temper control problems.
Based on cognitive-behavioral principles, The Anger Control Game focuses on six skills related to anger control: empathizing with the victims; distinguishing between aggressive and nonaggressive acts; using self-statements to diffuse anger; generating and evaluating alternatives to aggression; identifying feelings underlying anger; and evaluating the opinions of others.
An Anger Control Inventory (included) helps you determine which skills a child needs to develop. Usually played by the therapist and one or more children, the game can also be played in the classroom.

  • Game Card "Ability to Discern Opinions of Others Toward Aggression (OOA)"

  • Game Card "Ability to Generate and Evaluate Alternatives to Agression (GEA)"

  • Game Card "Ability to Empathize With Victim's Feelings (EMP)"

  • Game Card "Ability to Use Self-Statements to Diffuse Anger (SSD)"

  • Game Card "Ability to Identify Feelings (FUA)"

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