What's that sound?

Speech Sound Cards

Tali Kellerstein
  • Format 5" diameter (116 cards)
  • Product Code PA-003 ( MR #069434 )

Price $49.95

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Three resources in one!

What's That Sound? includes 3 brightly illustrated distinct card sets.
Say It: 11 pairs of mouth shapes/sound feature cards highlight various mouth movements we use to make speech sounds. These can be used to draw a child's attention to a specific movement or to help a child transition from one movement to another. This is a must-have resource for Speech-Language Pathologists helping children with speech sound disorders.
Sound It: 22 sound picture cards highlight words that begin with a specific sound and are intended to help children tune in to speech sounds. The set includes detailed instructions of applications for phonemic awareness - an essential pre-literacy skill.
Spell It: 32 pairs of letter cards. These letter cards include mouth shape images - where applicable - to help reinforce letter-sound associations. This set can be used to educators when helping children learn letter names, and for to help children begin to spell basic words.

The Speak Boutique <show description>