The UNIT-Group Abilities Test (UNIT-GAT) is a nonverbal screener of reasoning (i.e., general cognitive ability). Its theoretical assumptions and developmental aspects are the same as those embedded in the recently revised Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test—Second Edition (UNIT2; Bracken & McCallum, 2016). The UNIT-GAT measures two important interrelated aspects of reasoning—analogic (fluid) and quantitative (crystalized) reasoning.
The UNIT-GAT was designed to be used whenever a fast, reliable, research-based estimate of “general intelligence” is needed. Practitioners will likely use the UNIT-GAT to help identify children, adolescents, and young adults who have cognitive limitations or strengths and to document the degree of those problems or gifts. The language-free nature of the test makes it most appropriate for use with groups that may have difficulty processing the verbal aspects of most cognitive tests in use today.
The UNIT-GAT was standardized using a group of 1,605 individuals representative of the U.S. population. Extensive reliability and validity information is reported in the Examiner's Manual. Average Full Scale reliability is .95; average subtest reliabilities are .93 and .92. Validity studies compare UNIT-GAT results with the UNIT2, as well as a variety of tests of intelligence and academic ability. The test provides subtest scaled scores (M = 10, SD = 3), a composite index (M = 100, SD = 15), percentile ranks, descriptive classifications, and age equivalents.
Complete UNIT-GAT Kit includes: Examiner's Manual, Administration at a Glance, 25 Examinee Response Booklets, 25 Examinee Record Forms, and Scoring Transparencies. Includes a black carrying case (tote bag) to transport and store everything.