Assessing Reading | Multiple Measures
For All Educators Working to Improve Reading Achievement
Revised 2nd Edition
- Grades K - 12
- Administration Individual
- Copyright 2018
- Format Spiral-bound
Product Code 2243-9 ( MR #067656 )
Price $64.95
$61.70 (quantity of 10+)
$59.75 (quantity of 25+)
$58.46 (quantity of 50+)
$56.51 (quantity of 100+)
Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures, Revised 2nd Edition provides a collection of tests for the comprehensive assessment of skills related to reading. These assessments can help identify why a student is having reading difficulty, determine what the next step in instruction should be to remediate that difficulty, and monitor progress throughout the course of instruction.
The majority of the tests are individually administered. Easy-to-follow instructions are given for the administration and scoring of each test along with reproducible record forms. Interpretation is based on skill mastery and comparison of performance among students in the classroom.
Why You Need This Resource
For educators who are working to improve the reading achievement of both beginning and older struggling readers, Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures, Revised 2nd Edition is an indispensable resource. It is an essential addition to any educator’s personal literacy library — elementary, secondary, university.
Useful for both beginning and older struggling readers in grades K-12, this book contains an easy to administer collection of informal tests for the comprehensive assessment of skills related to reading. These assessments can help teachers to identify why a student is having difficulty reading, determine what the next step in instruction should be to remediate that difficulty, and monitor student progress throughout the course of instruction.
- Identifies Reading Difficulties
- Individual Administration
- Grades K through 12
- Criterion-Referenced
The revised 2nd edition of Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures contains the same assessments as the 2nd edition. Administration instructions have been clarified, and the general presentation of the content, including the assessments, has been improved. If you haven’t yet gotten a copy of this popular resource, this is the time to do it!
Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures provides a collection of tests for the comprehensive assessment of skills related to reading. These assessments can help you, as a teacher, identify why a student is having reading difficulty and determine what the next step in instruction should be to remediate that difficulty. The assessments are intended to assist the teacher in determining the instructional needs of all students and in monitoring progress throughout the course of instruction.
- Contains a collection of formal and informal reading assessments for grades K-12
- Uses short, quick and reliable tests, the results are immediate
- Each assessment measures an important research-based reading skill
- Assessments can be administered individually
- Easy-to-follow instructions are given for the administration and scoring of each test along with reproducible record forms
- Profile Forms and Class Records found in the Appendix provide an easy way for teachers to summarize assessment results
List of assessments:
- CORE Phonological Segmentation Test
- CORE Phoneme Deletion Test
- CORE Phoneme Segmentation Test
- CORE Spanish Phonemic Awareness Test
- CORE Phonics Surveys
- CORE Graded High Frequency Word Survey
- San Diego Quick Assessment of Reading Ability
- CORE Spanish Spelling Inventory
- MASI-R Oral Reading Fluency Measures
- CORE Vocabulary Screening Test
- Critchlow Spanish Verbal Language Scale
- CORE Reading Maze Comprehension Test
The Consortium On Reading Excellence (CORE) works collaboratively with schools and districts to implement comprehensive, research-based literacy training programs.