Visual supports are essential components of programs serving students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and can help provide a variety of information that enables these students to better understand and complete tasks with greater independence. Visual Supports, Second Edition provides information to help educators and families utilize visual displays or cues, such as schedules, boundaries, labels, and consequence maps, to help students with ASD achieve improved learning outcomes.
- Creating Visual Supports for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Visual Supports That Provide Information
- Visual Strategies That Support Behavior and Emotional Regulation
- Visual Supports That Structure the Learning Environment
- Visual Supports That Enhance Cognition and Language Development
- Visual Supports That Enhance Comprehension of Classroom Instruction
- Visual Strategies That Support Conversation and Social Skills
The PRO-ED Series on Autism Spectrum Disorders–Second Edition is designed for both professionals and parents. It provides critical information for selecting and using scientifically based methods for intervention with children and adolescents. Written in a quickly accessible, user-friendly style by qualified and experienced professionals, the books discuss and illustrate numerous practical solutions and strategies for working with learners with autism or other pervasive developmental disorders. The books in the series are similar in format and flexible enough to adapt to particular learning situations. Select the specific title needed or order the value saving series combination.