Price $39.95
$37.95 (quantity of 10-24)
$35.96 (quantity of 25+)
When new principals are handed the keys and left to make decisions about their schools without adequate, sustained support, what happens? Too often, school improvement efforts don’t gain full traction, principals often give up and leave and real student gains remain out-of-reach.
Impact Coaching bucks the notion of leaving principals to learn the ropes on their own. This book offers a solid, sustainable, and laser-sharp focus on instructional leadership and helps leaders hone, model and lead new learning through deliberate practice by:
- Engaging in rich, rigorous, and reflective open-to-learning conversations with both coaches and colleagues to improve instructional leadership practices
- Leveraging their 5 Big Winner Practices for highest impact, and
- Using Linking Walk templates to apply new ideas to real scenarios that improve lead learner practices.
This book could be your single most impactful investment toward eventual student achievement.
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