- Ages 16 - Adults
- Grades 11 - Adult
- Pages 189
- Format 8.5" x 11"
Product Code 31634 ( MR #065525 )
Price $64.95
These ready-to-use activities tap into many facets of cognitive-linguistic processing that contribute to word retrieval:
- vocabulary
- reasoning
- problem solving
- deduction
- convergent thinking
- divergent thinking
- thought flexibility
- logic
- general knowledge
- creativity
The activities are organized into five skill areas:
• Answering Questions—general information questions require short-answer responses
• Building Categorization Skills—name items by category and add items to a category
• Using Word Relationships—work with opposites, synonyms, and homonyms
• Using Word Strategies—variety of approaches to stimulate word retrieval: use word puzzles, chaining, letter and syllable cues, definitions, and rhymes.
• Naming and Selecting Pictures—name pictures and select pictures by the letter they begin with
Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition (WALC) <show description>
- Copyright 2007