What's in Your Space?

5 Steps for Better School and Classroom Design

Dwight Carter | Gary Sebach | Mark White
  • Pages 144
  • Format 7" x 10"
  • Product Code 9781506323077 ( MR #065228 )

Price $32.95

$31.30 (quantity of 10-24)

$29.66 (quantity of 25+)

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Transformed learning spaces begin with transformed thought.

For two decades, educators have been told to incorporate skills for the global economy, adapt to diverse learning styles, and employ technology. This requires changing our thinking spaces and our physical spaces. How can or should they change to keep pace with and reflect 21st Century teaching models?
In What’s in Your Space?, the group behind one of America’s most recognized school redesign projects walks you through the process of designing both “thinking” and “learning” spaces to accommodate today’s rigorous learning models. Throughout this book, educators will:
  • Reflect upon their craft and role in 21st Century education
  • Understand the nuances of teaching Generation Z
  • Discover design principles to help establish tech-embedded learning environments
  • Collaborate with other educators to craft a scalable plan for redesigning learning spaces
As we shift our thinking, it follows that the spaces in which we work and learn will also be transformed. Discover how to do it well.

  • Introduction

  • Step 1

  • Copyright 2016