Price $43.95
$41.75 (quantity of 10-24)
$39.56 (quantity of 25+)
The teaching life can be hectic, complex, and even lonely. That’s why so many educators turn to reflective practice to reenergize their commitment to students—and to themselves. Reflective practice counteracts the effects of professional isolation and instills a personal and communal sense of meaning, renewal, and empowerment.
This best-selling book offers research-based and practical ideas and strategies for using reflective practice individually, with colleagues, schoolwide, and even district-wide. Features of the newest edition include:
- Updated strategies for engaging adults and students and using reflective practices to create equitable outcomes
- New examples of reflective practice in action
- A new chapter on the core leadership practices for growing reflective practice
- A new companion website with resources and reflection protocols
When you make reflective practice part of your journey as an educator, your insights benefit everyone—and ensure enhanced learning and development for students.