Price $39.95
$37.95 (quantity of 10-24)
$35.96 (quantity of 25+)
As students’ needs change, dedicated school counselors have been evolving their practice. You see the results every day, on the faces of the at-risk students you serve. To meet accountability standards, though, you need more than faces: You need data the number-crunchers can understand.
With this user-friendly manual, make the shift to evidence-based practices and interventions in a data-driven, comprehensive school counseling program based on ASCA’s national model—while keeping the personal nature of your work intact. The book includes
• Visual guides and checklists for every step of the process
• Examples of successful counseling program evolution
• Guidance on developing and submitting a successful Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) application
• Supporting documents in an online resource center
Ensure that school counseling is recognized as an essential part of school improvement and students’ academic success by using this unique and innovative model.
- Copyright 2016