Price $199.99
Primary Sources help teachers integrate authentic resources into the classroom. Primary sources capture students' curiosity about the past, so they naturally begin to use critical thinking to analyze historical events. This kit uses original documents and photographs to help students understand the history of Canada.
Canada kit includes:
Eight Photograph Cards which includes the Viking Village in Newfoundland, Saint Croix Settlement, Gold Rush in the Yukon and more…
Make social studies content accessible to students with the photo cards in each Primary Sources kit. Each photo card has four general areas on the back for teacher and student use. The top of the card has a brief Historical Background Information section. Along the left side of the card is the Analyzing History section. This includes questions and activities designed to make students analyze what they see and learn. In the Historical Writing section, students are given two writing assignments, one fiction and one nonfiction. Finally, the History Challenge section offers fun extension ideas for the students.
Eight Primary Sources which include a map of Canada in the Nineteenth Century, MacKenzie King's Citizenship Certificate, Canada's National Anthem and more…
Provide students with a deeper and more comprehensive view of historical events through maps, letters, photographs, political cartoons, and more! Students will participate in the constructive process of history by studying primary source documents and photographs. Viewing historic photographs, handling facsimiles of famous documents, and reading the comments and opinions of those in the past prepare students for document-based assessments.
•Teacher's Guide including lesson plans, studentactivities, and document-based assessments.
Give teachers the tools to breathe life into history. The Teacher's Guide provides extensive details about each component in the kit. Lesson plans are organized with objectives, materials, discussion questions, suggestions for using the primary sources, and extension ideas. Historical background pages are provided to give teachers and students information about each of the primary sources being studied.
•Digital resources including student reproducibles and additional photographs and primary sources.