Product Code 0308301 ( MR #062258 )
Price $553.27
COMPLETE SET is comprised of a 6-PACK of each title.
TITLES INCLUDE: Alan and the Animals, Evelyn Foster Big Cat, Pippa Goodhart Bird Builds a House, Kenny Allen Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, Bill Martin Jr. Dad's Cake, Margaret Nash A Dime's Busy Day, Marcus Figorito Far-Out Friends, Autumn Leigh George the Knight, Leon Read I Like to Win!, Charnan Simon I Went Walking, Sue Williams Mice Squeak, We Speak, Arnold Shapiro Party Time!, Marie Miller Sam and Jack, Alex Moran The Tapping Tale, Judy Giglio Tick Tock, David K. Williams *Due to availability of titles, substitutions may be made.
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