Increase the understanding and retention of any lecture, reading, or video. After 5–10 minutes of direct input, stop and have teams use these chips to process what they've learned. By completing sentence starters such as, "I was surprised to learn…," and "In summary…," students personalize the input. They remember much more of what they share with teammates.
Learning Chips <show description>
Boost interaction. Boost learning. Learning Chips will have your class humming with interaction. Each set has 16 attractive, durable plastic chips. Each team lays a set of chips question side down on their desk. One student picks a chip and reads the question. All teammates take a turn responding. The next student picks the next chip and all teammates respond. Learning Chips are a terrific way to get students interacting over the learning topic! Just place a set of chips at a team table and let the non-stop discussion begin. They run themselves as a center. Chips are also great for whole-class activities. Give each student one chip. Have them mix, pair, and ask a partner the question on their chip. They trade chips and find new partners to question.