Each book is divided into thematic units that help students focus their reading and thinking.
In the Time of Gods & Heroes: Tales from Ancient Mythology
Unit One: Choice and Consequence
Unit Two: The Stuff of Heroes
Unit Three: In the Name of Love
Nightmares and Cold Sweats: Chilling Tales from Literature and Legend
Unit One: Ghosts Among the Living
Unit Two: The Dark Side of Human Nature
Unit Three: A Surplus of Horror
Spanning Miles of Time and Centuries of Ocean: Classic Stories from World Literature
Unit One: With Life Comes Lessons
Unit Two: Of Mind and Spirit
Unit Three: And Justice for All
Stories Draped in Stars & Stripes: Classic Stories from American Literature
Unit One: Decisions and Consequences
Unit Two: Reacting to Society's Roles
Unit Three: A Matter of Life and Death
These content-area workbooks with high-interest, accessible selections offer reinforcement and practice of essential reading skills. The reading levels range in difficulty so you can match lessons to your students' instructional reading levels.
- Teaches both narrative and informational standards-based reading skills.
- Skill activities following every section and unit reinforce the same set of essential reading skills and strategies
- identifying main idea and supporting detail
- making generalizations
- determining cause and effect
- drawing conclusions
- recognizing inferences
- using context clues
- Many titles blend with the social studies and literature curricula so reading practice is relevant and meaningful.
- All of the high-interest selections and over 70 percent of the history selections are nonfiction and teach informational reading skills.
Preparation for state and national tests
- The open-ended and multiple-choice questions match the format of state and standardized tests.
- Graphic organizers and writing prompts ask students to compare and draw conclusions from several selections.
- National and state language arts standards are reflected in the skill activities at the end of each selection and unit.
- End-of-unit test items match the format of most state and standardized tests.
- guided reading lesson plan for each selection
- frontloads vocabulary
- offers critical thinking questions with strategies identified
- provides literacy focus with related literary skill
- overview of reading strategies
- answers for all student activities