Opening Doors

An Implementation Template For Cultural Proficiency

Trudy T. Arriaga | Randall B. Lindsey
  • Pages 152
  • Format 7" x 10"
  • Product Code 9781483388793 ( MR #060055 )

Price $34.95

$33.20 (quantity of 10-24)

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See how one school district made Cultural Proficiency real—and how you can too!

Opening Doors tells the story of Ventura Unified School District's successful implementation of cultural proficiency, which opened long-closed doors for marginalized students and returned gains on every key success metric. Most importantly, it will empower you to do the same for your school or district. Resources include:

•A method for evaluating the impact of educational decisions on students' access to learning
•A clear three-year implementation plan for making your school culturally proficient
•A content-rich companion website that includes templates and forms for implementing the book’s suggestions

It is long past time to make cultural proficiency real by ensuring universally equal access to educational resources for all students. This book removes the remaining barriers to the achievement of this ideal.

  • Copyright 2016