Price $16.95
In every class, 3 ability groups make themselves present: below grade level, on grade level, and above grade level. We know we need to differentiate our lessons to reach each student in our diverse group of learners. And we know that requires that we break the mold of notes, lecture, practice, repeat. Explore the Flexibility of The ABC’s of Math Differentiation:
- This resource is aligned with the Common Core Math Standards/Practices appropriate for upper elementary and middle school (4th – 8th).
- The letters A, B, and C indicate the different levels of learners that exist in our classrooms.
- If you are a teacher implementing Guided Math, these activities are already differentiated for you to use with each of your different ability groups.
- If you are responsible for reaching all levels of learners through RTI strategies, these activities allow for differentiation using the same mathematical problems.
- For those students who may have already mastered these skills, the activities will allow them to apply and enrich their current knowledge level of the subject matter.
- Each activity has a theme and poses a real world problem to the students.
- The last chapter contains questions aimed at enhancing problem solving skills.