Parallel Curriculum Units for Science

Grades 6-12

Jann H. Leppien | Jeanne H. Pulcell
  • Pages 240
  • Product Code 9781412965422 ( MR #054804 )

Price $43.95

$41.75 (quantity of 10-24)

$39.56 (quantity of 25+)

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Supercharge your science curriculum to challenge all students

Based on the best-selling book The Parallel Curriculum, this professional development resource gives multifaceted examples of rigorous learning opportunities for science students in Grades 6–12. The four sample units revolve around genetics, the convergence of science and society, the integration of language arts and biology, and the periodic table. The editors and contributors provide user-friendly methods for creating more thoughtful lessons and show how to differentiate them for the benefit of all students. Included are field-tested and standards-based strategies that guide students through:
  • Exploring the nature of knowledge
  • Discovering connections between science and other subjects
  • Deepening science comprehension according to their interests and abilities
  • Connecting science to society through the study of genetics, historic events, literature, and chemistry
Each unit includes subject matter background, a content framework, study components, teacher reflections, and sample lessons. Also available are online content tools such as handouts, PowerPoint presentations, and research activities. Breathe new life into science learning with this powerful guidebook written by master educators!