Price $39.95
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Rather than buying individual books about professional learning communities (PLCs), differentiated instruction (DI), and Response to Intervention (RTI), invest wisely in one resource that synthesizes all three. The text uses a tapestry analogy to weave together these critical topics to form a comprehensive framework for achieving continuous school improvement. The result is a stronger foundation for administrators’ leadership direction and teachers’ instructional decisions based on:
•Utilizing PLCs as the framework for sharing new strategies and understandings
•Discussing data collected through assessments
•Evaluating data against benchmarks
Included are walk-through checklists, learning-style surveys, and examples that illustrate practical strategies for integrating DI and RTI and collaborating with colleagues to assess student learning and adapt instruction and interventions. This timely resource efficiently provides all the information you need to optimize instruction for outstanding results.
- Pages 184
- Format 7" x 10"
- Copyright 2011