Preschool | EDUCATION

Managing Noncompliance and Defiance in the Classroom

A Road Map for Teachers, Specialists, and Behavior Support Teams

Geoff Colvin
  • Grades PreK - 12
  • Product Code 9781412960892 ( MR #054048 )

Price $33.95

$32.25 (quantity of 10-24)

$30.56 (quantity of 25+)

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Reduce noncompliant behavior in the classroom with these proven strategies!

By developing an in-depth understanding of noncompliant behavior, K–12 educators can help even the most troubled students learn to function cooperatively and respectfully in the classroom.

Managing Noncompliance and Defiance in the Classroom offers a systematic approach to understanding and addressing the causes of misbehavior and disruptive conduct. Student behavior expert Geoff Colvin provides a clear process for identifying key factors that contribute to this challenging problem and presents a wealth of field-tested, evidence-based intervention strategies. This comprehensive road map provides readers with:

•Assessment tools for distinguishing between chronic noncompliance and intermittent misconduct
•Strategies for preventing escalation and classroom power struggles
•An easy-to-use chart that matches specific behaviors with proven interventions
•Guidelines for developing individual intervention plans
•Forms, checklists, and tables that can be adapted to specific needs
Remove barriers to academic achievement by developing students who are cooperative and ready to learn.

  • Pages 152
  • Format 8.5" x 11"
  • Copyright 2009