Agression Questionnaire (AQ)

Complete Kit

Arnold H. Buss, PhD | Steven F. Warren, PhD
  • Ages 9 - 88 years
  • Testing Time 10 minutes
  • Administration Individual / Group
  • Product Code W-371 ( MR #053918 )

* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.

* Regional restriction: This item is only available for sale within Canada.

Price $278.60

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Price includes package savings of $3.80

This self-report inventory makes it possible- -and practical--to routinely screen children and adults for aggressive tendencies. The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) measures an individual’s aggressive responses and his or her ability to channel those responses in a safe, constructive manner.
The AQ consists of just 34 items, scored on the following scales: Physical Aggression, Hostility, Verbal Aggression, Indirect Aggression, and Anger.
A Total Score is also provided, along with an Inconsistent Responding Index. Standardization is based on a sample of 2,138 individuals, ages 9 to 88, and norms are presented in three age sets: 9 to 18, 19 to 39, and 40 to 88. In addition, norms for the Verbal Aggression and Physical Aggression scales are separated by sex.
Written at a third-grade reading level, AQ items describe various characteristics related to aggression. Because it is brief and easy to read, the scale can be used with virtually anyone, including respondents who have difficulty with more complex verbal measures. The test can be hand scored in minutes. Or it can be administered and scored using the AQ CD, which also allows you to print out a detailed interpretive report on the spot.